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Monday, January 30, 2012

Fail: -D in XCode 4.2, Desktop Sort in Lion

So two gripes today.

First, XCode 4.2.  I go in and try and add "-DMIDI_TUNNEL" to "Other C flags" in the Scheme Edit thing.  The newly added definition (MIDI_TUNNEL) then instead magically jumps over under the "Other C++ Flags" section - which LLVM promptly ignores because my files are .m (I suppose equal to .c) and not .cpp.

No amount of screwing about with the (-) and (+) minus things works either - making it seemingly impossible to delete the define.

I could not get this to work though I fiddled around for a bit trying different options. I finally put the "-D" into a header in order to get around it for now.

Since I am being forced into the new XCode paradigm at least make it work right.

Secondly why, in Lion, is the Desktop special with regard to sorting files by name, date, etc.  in the Finder?  All the other Finder windows you see look like they have for a decade.  But now the "Desktop" is different.

Looks kind of like a search result: things broken down by recent, so many days ago, and so on.  Worse you cannot click were "Today" appears at the top to sort the view by date, for example.  No does clicking on Type or Date work.


You have to use a new drop down near the top.

However, this now presents new date/time sort options - Created, Modified, Added and Last Opened.

While you can change these options the display always shows the date column as "Date Added" - though clicking the dialog appears to have some effect on file order.

Various open file dialogs now use this new format too - again only for the desktop - and display so much new an useless info that the name of the file is hard to see or doesn't fit so it gets truncated with dots (...).

Jobs dies and, without the boss, the rest of them all run amuck turning everything into iPhones...

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